Format: 3vs 3 without Goalkeeper
Field Size: 20-25mts X 10-15 mts
Ball size: 3
Duration of the game: 4×3 minutes including 3 minutes rest between two quarters.
Basic rules:
i) Score with hands is not allowed
ii) There are no further rules, only fun
iii) The lines are marked out depending on the equipment available
Format: 4vs 4 without Goalkeeper
Field Size: 25-30 mts X 20-25 mts
Ball size: 4
Duration of the game: 2 x 15 minute halves including 5 minutes rest between 2 halves.
Basic rules:
i) No goal keeper needed
ii) Goals may be scored from any part of the field
iii) No off—side rules needed
iv) The lines are marked out depending on the equipment available
v) Half way line is well—marked
vi) Handball is not allowed
vii) Rough or un-sportive play is not allowed (but will very seldom happen)
viii) Penalty kick: 7m (if not marked: 7 steps from goal line into empty goal—all players must be behind the penalty taker)
ix) When the ball is out of play, it must be dribbled in or kicked in.
Fouls and misconduct:
i) Indirect free kicks are awarded for all acts of handball or fouls and misconduct
ii) Opponents must be at least 5m away from the ball when the indirect free kick is taken.
iii) Most acts of handball or fouls and misconduct at this level are caused by a lack of coordination, with no intent. In this case, try and give the advantage to the attacking team and continue play.
iv) If you feel a deliberate or serious act of handball, foul or misconduct has occurred, explain to the child
that they have done the wrong thing and that they should not do this again.
Format: 4vs 4 with Goalkeeper
Field Size: 30-40 mts X 25-30 mts
Ball size: 4
Duration of the game: 2 x 20 minutes with 5 minutes rest between 2 halves.
Basic rules:
i) A rotating‘ goalkeeper is needed. The keeper and player may change during the game
ii) An instructing referee is required
iii) No off-side rules needed
iv) The lines are marked out depending on the equipment available
v) Half way line is clearly marked
vi) Handball is not allowed
vii) Rough or un-sporting play results direct free-kick and yellow card. Two yellows becomes a red card (but will seldom happen)
viii) Distance of penalty spot from the goal: 7m (if not marked, 7 steps from goal line)
ix) The ball being out of play results in a kick in instead of throw in.
Fouls and misconduct:
i) Indirect free-kicks are awarded for all acts of handball or fouls and misconduct
ii) Opponents must be at least 5m away from the ball when the indirect free kick is taken
iii) For deliberate or serious acts of handball or fouls and misconduct in the penalty area, a penalty kick
is awarded from an 8m penalty mark with only a goalkeeper in position
iv) All other players must be outside the penalty area and be at least 5m behind the penalty mark.
Format and field size:
Format: 6 vs 6 with Goalkeeper
Field size: 60 – 70 mts X 40 – 50 mts
Ball size: 4
Duration of game: 20-25 minutes each half with 10 minute rest between 2 halves.
Basic rules:
i) Goal keeper and 6 field players are required
ii) An instructing referee is needed
iii) No off-side rules are needed
iv) The lines are marked out depending on the equipment available
v) Handball is not allowed
vi) Rough or unsporting play results in a direct free-kick and a yellow card. Two yellows become a red, in which case there should be a punishment of 5 minutes out of play
vii) A direct red card results in definite out-of-play punishment, but may also be replacement by a reserve player
viii) Distance of penalty spot from the goal: 7m (or if not marked: 7 steps from back line)
ix) Ball out of play results in throw-in but the referee can allow wrong throwing or lifting the foot.
Fouls and Misconduct:
i) Indirect free kicks are awarded for all acts of handball or fouls and misconduct. Opponents must be at least 5m away from the ball when this is taken.
ii) For deliberate or serious acts of handball or fouls and misconduct in the penalty area, a penalty kick is awarded from an 8m penalty mark with only a goalkeeper in position.
iii) All other players must be outside the penalty area and be at least 5m behind the penalty mark.
Format and field size:
Format: 8 vs 8 with Goalkeeper
Field size: 70 – 80 mts X 50 – 60 mts
Ball size: 4 or 5
Duration of game: 25 minutes each half with 10 minute rest between 2 halves.
Basic Rules:
i) Goal keeper plus 8 field players are required
ii) An instructing referee is needed
iii) No off-side rules are needed
iv) The lines are marked out depending on the equipment available
v) Handball is not allowed
vi) Rough or un sportive play results in direct free-kick and a yellow card. Two yellow becomes red, which will be a punishment of 5 minutes out of play
vii) A direct red reads definitely out of play, but the offender may be replaced by a reserve player
viii) Penalty kick: 7m (or if not marked: 7 steps from back line)
ix) Ball out of play results in a throw-in, but referee can allow wrong throwing or lifting foot.
Fouls and Misconduct:
i) Indirect free kicks are awarded for all acts of handball or fouls and misconduct
ii) Opponents must be at least 5m away from the ball when the indirect free kick is taken
iii) For deliberate or serious acts of handball or fouls and misconduct in the penalty area, a penalty kick is awarded from an 8m penalty mark with only a goalkeeper in position
iv) All other players must be outside the penalty area and be at least 5m behind the penalty mark.